from Hymns Re-Imagined...





















Sing unto God a jubilant song,
praising the One to Whom we belong.
             Sing of the future and of the past,
             Love ever present, holding us fast.



Blessed be God Who caused us to be,
called us to flourish, created us free,
present wherever goodness is found,
setting us firmly on holy ground.




Blessed be those who under duress,
greet us like manna in our wilderness,
fill us with hope when courage is gone,
give us the strength for carrying on.



















Blessed are all who here upon earth,
nurture a vision and bring it to birth,
live by the creed we boldly embrace:
blessed assurance, amazing grace.





















Miriam Therese Winter © Medical Mission Sisters 1994




















We thank You, God, for every year
Your gracious Word has graced us here.
We praise You for the many ways
Your Spirit speaks these latter days.

Forgive the times we weren’t sincere
and failed to make Your message clear,
the times Your liberating Word
has gone unheeded and unheard.

Confirm the faith that sees us through,
our strength restore, our zeal renew,
as we proclaim You near and far
through all we do and all we are.

Through days of darkness and distress,
we lean upon Your faithfulness.
In You our tattered hope resides.
In us Your steadfast love abides.

May Spirit gifts of jubilee
accompany this century,
and from the hope that lives and dies
a warmer, wiser world arise.

Proclaim a year of favor here
Let grace abound and peace appear.

Receive our song of prayer and praise. with us now, all times, all ways.

Miriam Therese Winter
© Medical Mission Sisters 1995

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