Eighteen rituals with 24 songs that celebrate
creation, liberation, transformation
from a woman's perspective.
Contemporary scholars and liturgists say this about this collection:
"With Miriam Therese Winter’s WomanPrayer, WomanSong,
the feminist movement in the Christian community goes beyond
the critique of patriarchal bias in religion and begins a new phase.
Through a new religious encounter with the Mother-spirit of God,
a new religious culture begins to develop
that also renews the liberating grace and power of biblical faith.
For the first time the church prays and sings the ancient story
of creation and redemption
through women’s creative imagination."
Rosemary Radford Ruether
"By drawing on tradition to challenge
this book models how a feminist hermeneutic can revitalize tradition.
The preface, liturgies, and songs reveal a sophisticated theological mind
blessed with the gift of poetic expression."
Thomas Troegger